Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Co.,LTD.
Name:Sinosteel Maanshan Institute of Mining Research Co.,LTD.
Products detail
Product Name: High-performance hollow glass microspheres
CAS No: 65997-17-3
Product Type: Inorganic Chemicals -> Others
Product spec: T25~T60
Packing: Cartons
Post Time: 2012-08-22
Usage: Mix with other chemicals. Contact us for more information.
Description: High-performance hollow glass microsphere is a kind of ultra-lightweight inorganic non-metallic material with hollow structure, and it is a versatile and high-performance new lightweight material developed in recent years. It will be the new composite materials at twenty-first century. Its true density is 0.15-0.60g/cm3 with 2-120μm in diameter. It owns features with light weight, large bulky, low thermal conductivity, high compressive strength, smoothly mobility etc. It can be used in paint and coatings, rubber, plastics, FRP, artificial stone, putty and other products as filler and weight-reducing agent. It can also be used as the excellent sensitizer and stabilizer for emulsion explosives; Because of its high compressive properties, it can be used to produce high-strength ,low-density cement slurry and low-density drilling fluid in oil and gas extraction industry. To meet customer’s demand, a variety of hollow glass microspheres with different particle size, density and intensity can be customized. It can help customers to improve the performance and quality of their finished product, ensuring a smooth and trouble-free production process and lower production cost.
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